بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"We are not in the position to apply pressure on anyone, we are a small country. But we do express our views on things. If we think that people are practicing double standards, we just say so, whether people listen to us or not is a different matter but we feel that we have to give our comment based on the truth." -Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in 'Restoring Muslim's Dignity / Menebus Maruah Ummah'. Jabatan Perkhidmatan Penerangan Malaysia. KL. 2002

السلام عليكم ورحمةالله وبركاته - Blog ni berkisar tentang hal-hal berkaitan pembangunan Malaysia ke arah Wawasan 2020, terutama berkaitan pembangunan negara menurut acuan Islam. Kita mempunyai cita-cita yg besar tetapi masih berdiri pada asas yg tidak kukuh. Saat kita jatuh, baru kita sedar di mana kita berpijak. (Ilustrasi: Potret Ibnu Sina)

Khamis, 14 April 2011

Saya cakap apa yang sepatutnya!

"When I condemned the currency traders at the height of their attack on the East Asian countries I was punished by having the currency of my country devalued further. I was told to cease and desist. I did not and the currency and the stock market and the image of Malaysia suffered. What I have said today may attract other punitive actions. That is a risk that I have to take. That is a risk that my own country will take. But I have to say what I have to say." - Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammed, in his speech during The IX Summit of the G-15, Montego Bay, Jamaica on 10th Feb 1999.

(Terjemahan: "Apabila saya menyalahkan 'penyangak' (pedagang) matawang ketika kemuncak serangan mereka ke atas negara-negara Asia Timur, saya dihukum dengan nilai matawang negara saya disusutkan lagi. Saya disuruh berhenti (meneruskan tindakan). Tapi saya tidak (berhenti) dan matawang, bursa saham dan imej Malaysia terjejas teruk. Apa yang saya katakan hari ini mungkin akan menimbulkan lebih banyak hukuman. Itu adalah risiko yang terpaksa saya tanggung. Itu adalah risiko yang terpaksa negara saya hadapi. Tapi saya kena cakap apa yang perlu saya cakap")

Sumber: Razali Kidam and Amidah Hamim (compilers) (1999) Collections of Mahathir's Speech 1999. Information Department of Malaysia. KL. pp16.

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